by Philip | May 31, 2016 | Blog |
Sad day at Christian Food Bank… Someone shut off the power to our walk in cooler from the outside of the building sometime during the Memorial Day weekend. Long story short, we had to throw away about 500 gallons of milk, 8 cases of eggs, and about 5 cases of...
by Philip | May 25, 2016 | Blog |
So thankful for our partnership with Hope 2 All in the joyful work of the Kingdom in feeding hungry folks. This is Christian FoodBank volunteer Kenny Stewart with about 1500 lbs of cabbage that Hope 2 All shared with us! Thank You Jesus!!!
by Philip | May 5, 2016 | Blog |
Saturday, May 14 is Stamp Out Hunger! This is the Food Drive done each year by the National Association of Letter Carriers… just collect and bag non-perishable food items, place them by your mailbox on Saturday, May 14, and your letter carrier will pick it up,...